Character Creation

Character creation

>>>>>> Character Sheet Download Here <<<<<<
The player sheet contain the following info:

Specified by Class
Action pointsPoints given by the master
Damage ReductionGiven by Amor, Shield and Skills
Attack Bonus
Given by Weapons and Skills
Defense Bonus
Bonus Damage
EnduranceConstitution + Half Your Lvl + Bonus
ReflexesDexterity + Half Your Lvl + Bonus
WillInteligence + Half Your Lvl + Bonus
PowerStrength + Half Your Lvl + Bonus
Weapons2 Weapon Slots
Armors1 Armor Slots
TalentsTalents picked by the player
Race SkillsSkills given by the player race
Class SkillsSkills given by the player class
Other SkillsSkills picked by the player
Inventory8 slot bag
MoneyPlayer money

HP and MP (Or any resource) Are specified for each class. They are given a default number added by the players constitution. And increased each level by a default number added by
the players constitution.

All characters have on level one 6 points to share between the traits:

Strength: Make your melee attacks stronger.

Dexterity: Increases your ranged weapon damage and chance to succeed on reflex tests.

Intelligence: Increases your magic damage and chance to succeed on will tests.

Constitution: Increases your HP and chances to succeed on resistance tests.

Luck: Increases you critical attack chances, chance to get better loot and bargain for prices.

Every level after you gain 1 more ability point to spend.

Action points can be spent to roll the dice again on any situation.

Each class has specified weapons and armors to use. You will start with a basic level 1 weapon of your choice that is among the usable weapons for your class.

The player can have talents that will help him/her through the adventure. Check the talent page to learn how they work.

>>> Talents <<<

All the skills are given by the player race or class. Combat and Magic skills can be chosen by the player whenever the class specify to do so. They can be found on their respective pages:

>>> Magic Skills <<<

>>> Combat Skills <<<

All the players can carry at maximum 8 itens on their bag and 4 on their belt slots. Depending on the size or weight of the item, it might take more than 1 space of the bag or the player might not be able to carry it. 

Every player can also pick 2 items from this list to start with.

Alchemist’s Fire
Lock Pick

The initial money each player has is given by a d20 times 10 silver. 

For example: If a player rolls 14, it will start with 140 Sc.