
Basic Items

Alchemist’s Fire1Fire that burns an enemy with 1d6 damage for 3 turns if it hits.
Antidote1Cures poison
Bandages1Cures Bleed
Breathing Apparatus1Allows you to breath underwater.
Caltrops x33Throw them on the floor to slow enemy speed by half. (Large or smaller)
Disguise Kit1A bag of cosmetics. Gives +3 on disguise and seduction tests.
Flashbang Potion1Blinds everyone in a area that looks at it for 2 Turns.
Healing Kit1A bag of medical tools. Gives +5 on healing tests.
Lantern1Provides vision in the dark in a 8 meter radius as long as it has oil.
Lock Pick5Gives +3 in picking lock tests. Each can only be used once.
Major Boost Potion1Gain +3 in any bonus for a whole encounter.
Minor Boost Potion1Gain +1 in any bonus for a whole encounter.
Oil5For each portion. One portion burns for 6 hours.
Prime Waterskin1Can hold 5 portions of water. Each portion provides hydration for 4 hours.
Race Change Potion1Change into another race for 1 hour. Your stats remain the same.
Rations5Each portion provides energy for 6 hours.
Rope1Simple rope for various ends.
Rope with hook1A rope with a hook. + 3 In climb tests.
Sharp Throwing Knive x55Throwing knives that deal 2d6 damage if hit.
Spyglass1Provides vision in the open of up to 5 kilometers.
Throwing Knive x55Throwing knives that deal 1d6 damage if hit.
Torch2Provides vision in the dark for 1 hour in a 5 meter radius.
Vial2Can hold 2 portions of an liquid.
Waterskin 1Can hold 3 portions of water. Each portion provides hydration for 4 hours.

Special Items

Special items are items that cant be bought. They can only be acquired by being found or given. Special items have different rarities that tell how hard it is for the item to be obtained and how much money it is worth.

Rare1500 Sc
Exotic21 Gc
Ascended33 Gc
Legendary45 Gc

Magic Items:Rarity:Description:
Belt of Size Alteration3Once a day you can make yourself of the size of a flea for 10 minutes.
Book of Elements2You can Invoke a Lvl 5 elemental to aid you in your battle. You can use this item once a day
Boots of Speed1When using these boots, you base speed doubles.
Bracelet of Water Walking2With equipped with this bracelet the water will feel like concrete to you.
Chaos Diamond4?
Diamond of the Mists4This strange diamond came from the mists. If you carry it long enough it will be absorved by your body and you'll become immune to time.
Ethereal Wing3With these spectral wings you can fly for 1 hour each day.
Explosive Caltrops1These dont just slow enemies are mines that deal 2d10 damage on whomever steps on them.
Gloves of Telekinises2You can use the power of your mind to move objetcs. You can now use the INT trait for POWER Save tests.
Golden Nugget2A Piece of gold, its worth a gold coin.
Glass of Supreme Sight3This amazing spyglass can clearly see whats 10 Km away.
Grappling hook2This gun shoots a rope with a hook really far. Gives +5 on climb tests.
Night Googles1With these googles you can clearly see in the dark.
Orb of Storms2When holding this Orb you can use the Control Weather spell once a day.
Ring of Animal Friendship1With this ring befriending animals is really easy. +5 in Handle Animal tests.
Ring of Chamaleon2You can change into another race for 1 hour. Your stats remain the same and you can use this item once a day.
Ring of Counterspell1Once a day the first spell that is targeted at you flies back to the caster.
Ring of Healing3When using this ring your body will heal faster so you cant be affected by bleeding or poisons.
Ring of Protection1This ring will create a barrier that absorves 20 damage once a day. It protects a radious of 3 meters and will activate upon receiving any attack.
Scepter of Light3This scepter holds a orb that emmanates a bright cold light. Provides vision in the dark in a 10 meter radius for a unlimited ammount of time.
Snaff Helm4A helm made by Snaff himself. It gives the wearer +5 on will tests and +3 damage reduction.
Star Bands4When equipped with these bands you can teleport in a 10m radius at any time you want, but be smart, you can only use this once a day.
Tome of Time4This tome holds the power for time control, you can use it once a day to go back to the beggining of the encounter. You can use it to go back a whole day, but you'll lose the tome if you do.
Truth Gem3When you hold this gem in front of your eye you can see through magic spells and invisible beings or objects. Too bad it only works for 5 minutes a day.