The Guardian

The Guardian                                                                                                  
Guardians are devoted fighters who protect their allies and smite their enemies by drawing from the power of their virtues. True guardians are brilliant tacticians and selfless defenders who know when to sacrifice their own defenses to empower their allies to achieve victory.

Base Hit Points: 25 ( 5 + Con each lvl)
Armor: Heavy Armor
Weapons: Great Weapons, Medium weapons, Shields
Save Bonus: +2 Power

Stand your ground!, Apply Mark
Combat Talent
Mark II, Virtue of Might
Combat Talent
Taunt, Mark III
Receive the light!, Combat Talent
Mark IV
Combat Talent
Mark V
Feel my wrath!

Stand your ground!: You have a permanent + 5 in defense roll. If you successfully defend an attack, you push the attacker backwards and applies a mark on him. You can choose not to mark the enemy if you parried the attack.

Apply Mark:  You can mark a foe to deal more damage to him and receive less damage from him.  Marking takes a movement or attack phase. You deal +3 damage on attacks against that foe and takes -3 damage from it. You can mark only one foe at a time.
  • Mark II: You deal +5 damage on attacks against that foe and takes -5 damage from it.

  • Mark III: does +7 damage to marked foes and receive -10 damage from marked foes. Can mark 2 foes at one time.

  • Mark IV: it does + 10 damage to marked foes and receive -15 damage from marked foes.

  • Mark V: it does + 15 damage to marked foes and receive -20 damage from marked foes. Can mark 3 foes at one time.

Virtue of Might: You can now use great weapons with one hand, leaving you able to equip a shield.

Taunt: You can use an phase to get the attention of the enemy. if you roll higher than the master on a d20 you succeed and the foe will focus his attacks on you for 2 turns. If you succeed you’ll also apply a mark at that enemy.

Receive the light!: Heals 1d10 + 5 for all your allies and two times what healed them for you.

Feel my wrath: Become an unstoppable force for 2 turns. Attracting the attention of all enemies to you and becoming invulnerable. In this form, all damage you do also heals you for the same amount.  You can use this once a day.