The Human


Humans have lost their homeland, their security, and their former glory. Even their gods have withdrawn. And yet, the human spirit remains unshaken. These brave defenders of Kryta continue to fight with every ounce of their strength.
Once the dominant species of Tyria, the humans have not fared well in the last few years. Their kingdoms, once spanning the entire continent, lie in ruins, leaving only Kryta.
The separation of time and distance has meant the human race, more than any other race in the game, has developed a variety of different cultures within it. As human refugees flooded into Kryta from the crumbling edges of human civilization they stayed together to try and hold on to aspects of their history and culture which connected them to the homelands they could not return to. No other place shows this more than the human capital - in Divinity's Reach many of the districts are named for and filled with the architecture and the peoples of Ascalon, Cantha and Elona.
Humanity is filled with examples of great social inequality, homeless on the streets struggling through each day while the rich dine on fine food in opulent homes. But this doesn't mean they're stuck with the lives they have. Every human has the opportunity to take life and make something more of it - to make a difference to not only their life but the lives of those around them.
The other races view the humans as a traditional and conservative race, dying out and doomed to disappear from Tyria just as the dwarves did. But the humans struggle on, their spirit still strong, refusing to give up where others might walk away. In Ascalon, for example, the inhabitants of Ebonhawke, against the odds, still stare down the charr each day from that fortress' great walls. Despite being seen as the most conservative of the races, humans are willing to use new technologies and attempt to adapt and compete with the other races. Humans are tinkerers and craftsmen, a few inventors such as Uzolan help to expand the human's technical knowledge. Of all the races, they hold the best knowledge in history and agriculture.
Humans typically wish to bury their dead, however recently with the influence of Zhaitan and the number of undead increasing many choose to be cremated instead.

Most humans are very dedicated to the worship of their pantheon, the Six Human Gods: Balthazar, Dwayna, Grenth, Kormir, Lyssa, and Melandru. Each god is a patron of several broad areas of concern including war, healing, death, truth, beauty and nature (respectively). These gods are credited with bringing the humans to Tyria and had historically taken a large part in the development of the human race, often using their powers to guide and intervene in events. However, in the past 200 years the Six Gods have stepped back and while they still answer the prayers of their followers, they are much more distant than before, letting humanity stand on its own feet.

Human names vary from culture to culture, resulting in about seven different known naming varieties. Most naming styles follow real world culture's names.
Ascalonian names typically follow a Central European and English naming style. Northern Canthans followed a mixture of Western naming system and Chinese (among other Asian) names (e.g., Canthan names wouldn't follow the standard Asian style of family name first). Kurzick names were a mixture of Germanic and Asian names; and Luxons were a mix of Greek and Asian names. Elonian names were typically African. Historically, Krytan names have Southern European names generally, with some central European mixed in - though due to the merging of Elonian, Ascalonian, and Canthan names, the variety has spread to include those as well. Orrian names hold a heavy Arabic style to them.

Traits and Talents:

+2 Any

Persistance: After receiving an attack the would knock him down, humans will stay conscious for another turn.

Diplomacy: Humans start with 1 graduation on diplomacy.