The Grawl

The grawl are a simian-like primitive humanoid species that once lived in Ascalon, the Blood Legion Homelands, and the Southern Shiverpeaks.
Grawl are simian in nature and slightly larger than the average human. The Grawl are bipeds and they hunch over in posture, preferring to move via leaps and bounds rather than walking which gives them an advantage in their preferred rocky terrains. Their bodies are covered in coarse fur of various shades of grey, which is heaviest at the head and neck area. Grawl shamans often tattoo their skin where their hair is lightest, with a focus around their thighs, chest, and arms. These tattoos are often in swirling or arch patterns.
Human scholars theorize that grawl are an offshoot of charr, while charr scholars believe that they are related to humans in some manner. However, neither have proven to be accurate - and given the grawl simian nature and human's history of not being native to the world, the grawl are most likely related to neither humans nor charr.
The grawl are not a united race, instead living in a large series of tribes. Each tribe has a different set of standards and faiths, though still adhere to a similar structure. Because grawl are a highly religious race, tribes are often clashing with each other, and there are even clashes between personal gods within a single tribe.
Grawl are traditionally hunter-gatherers, but also turn to scavenging if necessary. Many hunters will use rabbits as bait to draw out wurms, particularly so in the Shiverpeak Mountains. Grawl do not cultivate land, and although they will herd livestock, they make no attempts to domesticate them. The most architecture they have is crude tents, and fences for any livestock they may keep, as most grawl prefer to use natural formations such as caves, cliffs, and canyons for shelter.

Most clothing that the grawl wear is leather, though except for armor they hardly wear more clothing than is necessary. While having a crude sense of metalworking, grawl weapons are a poor imitation of the weapons used by humans, norn, and charr, and most of theirweapons utilize bones, and their armor is often decorated similarly.

Grawl have a deeply religious, animistic culture and tend to worship natural objects or very powerful and old beings. Religions and faith differ from both tribes and individuals, though the individual's tribe will always supersede the importance of a personal belief.
Each tribe's religion and faith differs greatly. Some will worship statues or odd natural formations in the earth, while others will worship more powerful beings. That which they worship tends to define the tribe's mentality and actions. Wars between tribes is not unheard of and in the past was relatively common, though when pressed by a shared threat - such as enslavement by the Flame Legion - will press tribes together in a close location.
Grawl names vary from tribe to tribe, some having names related to their born location, the condition of their birth or being named after some deity.
Traits and Talents:

+2 Strength

Strong Arms: Grawls have strong arms perfect to hold enemies and render them immobile. They gain +3 on rolls to hold enemies.

Intimidate: Grawls have very intimidating appearance. They start with 1 graduation on the intimidate talent.