Combat Rules

Combat rules

The first step when entering combat is that all the involved roll a d20 dice to determine their initiative. The bigger numbers go first. In case of same values, the person with more dexterity will go first. If the dexterity is the same, roll a dice or a coin to decide who goes first.

In the combat there are 2 phases:

The first phase is the movement phase, where you can move closer, away or flank the enemy.

The second phase is the attack phase, where you can choose and attack a foe using your regular attack or any combat or magic skill.

The damage of the basic attack is given by the power of your weapon added from the stat bonus referent to the weapon kind.

Melee weapons gain STR bonus in the damage

Ranged weapons gain DEX bonus in the damage

Magic Attacks gain INT bonus in the damage

After both of the phases are completed, your turn ends. A Full turn is when all the involved in the combat have already ended their turns.

Attack phase:

On a battle, both the attacker and the defender roll a d20.
The attacker will add his Attack Bonus on the roll. This is his attack value.
The defender will add his Defense Bonus on the roll. This is his defense value.

If the attacker's attack value is bigger than the defender's defense value, the attacker will manage to hit the defender and cause damage.

If the defender scores higher, he will defend the attack therefore will not take any damage.

The damage that will be caused will be the attacker's weapon damage added by his Damage Bonus.

Remember that all damage done must first be reduced before taking it of the HP.
Every armor, shield and some talents give a character “Damage Reduction”.

So if you dealt 20 damage to an enemy who has 10 damage reduction, he’ll only take 10 points out of his HP.

Magic spells and Combat Skills are considered attacks, therefore they follow the same rules as normal attacks.

Critical Hit:

When attacking, if you roll 20 on the d20 dice, your attack was critical. This means your attack will definitely hit and will cause double the damage.

Luck Increases the critical hit chance. Each 2 points in luck is equal to one less in the roll, for example:
6 Luck = 17 - 20.

Remember the maximum range for the critical attack is 15. (15 - 20)

Important Note: If you character use dual weapons or attacks twice in the same round, only his first attack will deal double damage.


Some attacks use HP as a source to deal damage, in this case, the points are taken off right out of the HP and do not go through damage reduction.

Magic attacks use MP to be cast. If you run out of MP, you must meditate or go to sleep to recover them. 8 Hours of rest recover 100% of your MP and HP, 4 Hours recover 50% and etc.

Buffs and Penalties:

A flanked enemy has a -2 penalty in defense rolls