

The enemy level will define his base power, the table below works as a reference, different enemies will have different stats and the same levels.

3652d10 + 5
4803d10 + 5
51003d12 + 5
61204d12 + 5
71504d10 + 10
81802d20 + 10
92003d20 + 10
103003d20 + 20
Ranks also set a base for power. The higher the rank, higher the enemy power.

NormalCan be beat by one player.
VeteranVery Strong, better not face one alone.
ChampionIncredible Strong foe, it needs at least 3 strong players to be defeated.
LegendaryInsane Strong foe. It can be defeated by a party with enough strategy and maybe some sacrifice.
ElderThe very definition of power. Only several very powerful players can have any chance at even facing such mighty foe.

Enemies have different Kinds that can be exploited for several reasons. For example a the Handle Animal talent can be used on any foe of the Wild Life kind.

Dragon Kinds are beings that were corrupted by the Elder Dragons. These creatures are considerably more powerful than normal foes.

Kinds:Dragon Kinds:
Wild LifeDestroyer

Enemies also vary in size, the bigger they are the harder they hit.

TinyUp to 50 Cm
SmallUp to 1,50m
MediumUp to 2m
LargeUp to 5m
HugeUp to 10m
GargantualUp to 20m
ColossalMore than 20m

Not all beings on the world will try to attack you instantly. Every possible foe has an Alignment.

ChaoticBeings who would do anything for the sake of their own amusement.
EvilBeings who want to cause pain. Their intentions are always bad.
NeutralBeings who dont care. Will probably do what they think its best for them.
GoodBeings that want everyone to be okay. They want justice and will help if the cause is worth.
LoyalBeings that obey someone's orders. They could obey someone evil, good or chaotic.

Speed is how much the enemy can move on his movement phase. It varies from enemy to enemy but a default value would be 10 meters.