

Talents are specific set of skills that every player has.

Talents are divided in 3 graduations. The first graduation grants you the right to use the skill and +3 points on rolls when using it. The second graduation gives +5 on rolls and the third gives +10.
To get the first graduation, you spent 1 skill point, to get the second you spent 2 skills points and the third graduation 3 skill points.

Bonus on Rolls+ 5+ 10+ 15
Points spent 123

Each player starts with 12 skill points. Every level the character ups, he gains another skill point.

Skill points can also be obtained by studying alone for one month or being taught by someone in one week.

The talents you can learn are:

Acrobacy - With this skill you can perform tricky jumps, climb places or run away.

Bluff - With this skill you can trick people into thinking you’re telling the truth.

Escape Artist - With this skill you know how to untie yourself, get out of handcuffs and cages.
Device Knowledge - With this skill you can use and disable mechanic devices like turrets or golems.
Diplomacy - With this skill you are able to negotiate terms with other people.

Disguise - With this skill you can try to impersonate someone of your own race to get privileged information or gain tactical advantages.

Handle Animal - With this skill you can try to reason with wild animals in order to make them do your will.

Healing - With this skill, you can perform basic heals your friends and yourself. It heals the total roll amount and you can't use this skill on the same target again for another 4 hours.

Intimidate - With this skill you can intimidate other people into doing what you want.

Knowledge - With this skill you have vast knowledge on Tyria History, its inhabitants and threats.

Magic Knowledge - With this skill you can identify and disable magic spells on objects, places and people.

Perception - With this skill you have heightened senses of your surroundings.

Seduce - With this skills you can seduce npcs in order to get privileged information or make them do your will. Remember its always easier to seduce someone of the same race as yours.

Stealth - With this skill you can use the shadows to hide from sight.

Survival - With this skill you know how to survive in the wilderness, you can find food, water and avoid danger.

Thievery - With this skill you can pick pockets, steal objects from under people's noses and pick locks from doors and chests.

Talent tests are decided by a d20 dice roll added by the talent graduation bonus. With the difficulty class defined by the master for the specific situation.

One player can help another one in a test as long the helper is graduated in the talent in use. The graduation bonus of the helper will be added to the helped player roll.
The master can decide the conditions necessary for this to happen.

Escape Artist
Device Knowledge
Handle Animal
Magic Knowledge